George - 26 May 2022 14:00:00Full article...
What is multichannel marketing?
Multichannel refers to marketing over many different channels. A multichannel strategy will interact with a customer online and instore, in ads, on tv etc but (and here is the difference!) the channels will be more isolated from one another, they will function independently.
Examples of reaching a customer using a multichannel approach would be by email or text messages, podcasts or social media. Each channel is the starting touchpoint ...
George - 23 May 2022 12:00:00Full article...
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As a consumer, window shopping is great fun but as a retailer it can be frustrating to know that you’ve managed to attract browsers, but you simply fail to convert them to purchasers. All is not lost, here are some great tips to help you get the browsers to your online store, clicking on your ‘buy now’ buttons.
Where is my traffic coming from?
Firstly, well done for netting traffic to your online store, ...
Jake - 6 May 2022 16:00:00Full article...
What have the Sellr team been up to recently?
You may have noticed a cool new interface to the Sellr 'Design Your Website' screen, in the last day or two? Here at Sellr HQ, we have been busy beavering away to make Sellr even easier to use and even quicker for you to get your new ecommerce website up and running.
Over the last few weeks we have been working with a group of user testers who have been putting Sellr through its paces and giving us some fantastic ...
George - 26 Apr 2022 12:00:00Full article...
Are you struggling to increase traffic to your online store?
Would you like to make more sales?
Here are some ideas for you to help improve your marketing skills and promote your online store to more customers.
Use beautiful Imagery to encourage sales.
Wow your customers with well thought out and relevant imagery. You can use stock images and videos but make sure you have the legal rights to use them, and be aware that other businesses may be using the ...
George - 21 Apr 2022 17:00:00Full article...
Which ecommerce platform is best?
Firstly you have to ask yourself what it is that you need from an ecommerce platform. Have you already built a business and are currently trading online but find your ecommerce system is somewhat lacking in the features you need to grow your business?
There are so many ecommerce platform to choose from today, that it can be a minefield when choosing the right one for your business.
What is an ecommerce ...
George - 8 Apr 2022 16:00:00Full article...
Why add a chat feature?
Adding a live chat to your website can enhance both your sales and customer support. Imagine entering your local sports store needing to buy the latest Nike sneakers and no one is around to advise on how they fit, or if they are indeed the latest trending item in sportswear. It would be frustrating not to get the answers you need, and you may well go next door where you know there will be staff on hand to help you shop.
Adding a chat feature allows you to ...
George - 7 Apr 2022 15:00:00Full article...
....Actually there was no mistake, I'm completely making stuff up just so you will click on the link and be taken to my webpage that I want you to see. It's not spam though, it’s still relevant to you as it's clearly about ecommerce. Clickbait works. Humans cannot help being curious, so you should be tickling your readers' curiosity to engage with your audience and give them an irresistible headline to draw them in and to visit your website.
Why ...
George - 6 Apr 2022 16:00:00Full article...
How to transform your brick-and-mortar to an online store.
If you have not yet made the leap and taken your ecommerce business online, then now is the time to take action. More and more people are shopping online and you will be missing out on a huge selling opportunity. Of course, every business is different so I’ve outlined a broad range of topics to get you started.
Choosing an ecommerce platform.
The ecommerce solution you choose is the most ...
George - 5 Apr 2022 15:00:00Full article...
Why is Easter a great time to boost your ecommerce sales?
Spring has sprung and the Easter bunny is busy hiding chocolate eggs in sunny gardens all around the world. The Christian feast days of Easter not only marks the overindulgence of foil-wrapped chocolate eggs but also signifies hope and new beginnings. With more and more people adjusting to buying online, how can you optimise your online store to benefit from this Easter’s ecommerce wave?
Easter Buying ...
George - 1 Apr 2022 16:00:00Full article...
Today it is easier than ever to build an online store to sell items online. Individuals can sell online as well as small, medium, and large businesses, making it a really great platform offering room for everyone to succeed.
Here’s a breakdown of what it takes to get an online store.
What does online mean?
Online describes a computer, device or a person who is connected to a network of computers (the most common network describing ‘being’ ...
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