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Send Emails to
Generate Sales.

Send emails to your email lists with buy
now links in the email.
Easy to Use
Import lists of emails or use your existing contact lists. Have buy buttons and links directly in the email to allow your customers to buy straight away.
Amazing Email Designs
Easily create professional looking emails with information, items for sale and marketing promotions.You Emails will look great on mobiles, desktops, tablets and any other devices.
Marketing Power
Email marketing is the most cost effective method of marketing for any online store. Send emails to your prospects and customers. You can send follow ups, autoresponders and schedule regular emails to keep in contact.

Send and Sell!

Complete email marketing system including bounced email management, which will let you email your contacts and let them buy directly from the emails. It really couldn't be any easier!

Boost your Business

Sellr can boost your business and turbocharge your sales. Gain more customers and grow your online business with Sellr.
Manage your business from anywhere in the world
Attract customers using our marketing aids
Get found on search engines 
Accept debit and credit cards easily & quickly
Check out your business stats in real-time

Open your online shop today

Sellr has all the functionality you need to design your site, sell your items, get more customers and increase your profits.
14 day free trial -
No payment details required
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