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UK SEO Experts.

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Search Engine Optimisation Tips

All Sellr ecommerce websites and templates are developed in accordance with best-practice SEO friendly coding conventions. Sellr websites are built in accordance with W3C guidelines, and adhere to DDA accessibility legislation.

There are two types of search engine optimisation, or SEO; on-page and off-page optimisation. An ongoing and comprehensive approach to both is required to give your website the best possible chance of achieving a competitive ranking.

SEO is something that you can certainly do yourself and, given time and dedication, a SEO strategy based exclusively on your specific customer base and target sector is likely to be the most successful approach.

It's important to note that for both on-page and off-page SEO, there isn't a quick or easy fix. It will take time and patience to establish a worthwhile SEO strategy for your website, and you will need to keep adjusting and re-focusing it in order to maintain a strong ranking. This page will help give you a grounding and an understanding of the SEO requirements of your Sellr website.
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On-page search engine optimisation

Put simply, on-page optimisation means gearing your websites content to match the likely search activities of your target customers. The most important thing is content, specifically text.

Ecommerce websites traditionally fare well in search engine rankings because every product on an ecommerce website should include a large amount of textual content for the search engine robots to spider. For each product you have, include a decent amount of text in the product description - ideally 100 words, or more. In addition, use product names that include the type of product that you are selling. For instance, a pair of red trainers should be named "Red [brand name] Men's Trainers, White Laces, 3 Stripes", rather than simply "Red Trainers". The combination of words should match the likely search phrase that your potential customers use.

Following on the principle of putting such keywords in to your product names, you should continue this approach when naming product categories and even page names. A category named "[brand name] Men's Trainers" is better than "Men's", for instance.

You should pick a domain name that contains what you sell. For instance, "" instead of "".

The most important page on your website is your home page. A home page should include 300 words of descriptive text, broken down in to header titles (h1, h2, h3 etc...) and paragraphs. Sellr's text editors allow you to do this, and the header title tag and paragraph format is used extensively throughout the Sellr template structure. The home page text should be regularly tweaked, adapted and updated to include content that is relevant to your current marketing and business direction.It is your primary port of call for the search engine spiders, so it has to be relevant to what you're selling. For instance, it is counter-productive to have a home page of text optimised for selling summer clothes when you are trying to push winter ranges.
Additionally, search engines base the regularity of their visits to your webpages based on the frequency of changes to them. Regularly updating your home page (and other) text is a good way to ensure that the spiders visit your website frequently, index your new product pages and improve your rankings.

Your website name is very important. Your website name is included in the Title tag of your home page, among others. The home page Title tag is regarded as the most important tag on your entire website by the search engines. Whilst it can only be used to include a certain amount of text (a few words), you should use this to tell the search engines what it is you are selling. For instance, a website name of "Joe Blogg's Online Store" should be renamed to "Joe Blogg's Shoes, Trainers, Casual & Formal Men's & Women's Footwear".

Sellr auto-populates some of the traditional meta-tags (meta description and meta keywords). Neither are widely used by modern search engines for establishing rankings, and you shouldn't worry about these. We include this functionality purely for completeness. Visible text on your webpages is what the search engines are interested in.

Additional pages such as an "About Us" page, a "Delivery Information" page etc... are good ways of providing plenty of extra textual content for the search engines to read. Chances are your customers will ignore much of this content, however the search engines will index it.

Contact information is important. It establishes credibility, and search engines reward that. An address, email address and, most importantly, a land line phone number are very important. If you can't put your phone number on each page, ensure it is on your contact page and your home page.
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Off-page search engine optimisation

Off-page optimisation is everything you do off of your own pages to improve your websites SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Position{s}). This doesn't include paid-for services such as Adwords, as this guide is more geared to what you can do for little or no outlay.

If you do want to look in to pay-per-click advertising, Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Facebook and others have large amounts of readily available advice and recommendations available for you to read through.

Backlinks are very important. Backlinks are links to your website from other websites and pages. You need as many as possible from the highest quality of website you can find. Link farms and links from unknown websites will achieve little for your rankings. Backlinks from established and industry relevant websites will serve you much better. A simple rule of thumb is, if a backlink is likely to drive potential customers to your website, it is likely to be of higher value for your rankings as well. Reciprocal links are largely ignored be search engines, so it's best to avoid schemes that offer you large numbers of reciprocal links.

One of the best ways of getting links back to your website from a respected third party is to start a blog. Pick a high quality blogging site, such as, and blog regularly about your services and products. Each time, you should provide links back to specific pages on your website, and your home page. Hopefully potential customers will follow these links to your products and purchase them. Search engine spiders will pick up the links from your blog entries linking back to your website and reward your website for it.

Social media is a great way to get your word out there. Set up a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn account, an Instagram account etc.., and use them to promote your business to your social and professional peer groups.

The age of your domain name is important. If you've had a domain name for 10 years, use it for your website. Don't be tempted to get a new one. An older domain name represents stability and trustworthiness to the search engines.
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