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10 ecommerce marketing tips to try today

10 ecommerce marketing tips to try today

George - 26 Apr 2022 12:00:00

Are you struggling to increase traffic to your online store?

Would you like to make more sales?


Here are some ideas for you to help improve your marketing skills and promote your online store to more customers.


Use beautiful Imagery to encourage sales.


Wow your customers with well thought out and relevant imagery. You can use stock images and videos but make sure you have the legal rights to use them, and be aware that other businesses may be using the same visuals so don’t try and fob them off as your own. It is possible to take your own photos that are perfectly good enough for display on your website with just your mobile phone.


Content marketing to boost ecommerce sales.


Firstly it is important to know who your customers are. Are they mainly men or women or a fairly equal mix. Ages?  What backgrounds do they come from? What are their interests? What shopping styles do they all have in common?  Once you have an idea who your target customer is, create content that captures their attention.


Automate social content.


Don’t make your marketing even more time consuming. Use tools such as Hootsuite to manage and schedule posts from one place. A great way to easily see how posts are performing.


Nurture your relationship with your customer.


Connect more with your customer and create a personlised experience. Don’t be faceless. People would much rather buy from a store where they feel their business is appreciated and noticed. Make sure you include an ‘About Us’ page and introduce your team with photos and facts. This will help show your customers that you are human and care about the purchases they make.


Share your knowledge.


Every business can benefit from sharing their expertise more, and not just going in for the big sell immediately. Think about ways to connect to your customer through other outlets such as podcasts and TV Channels like YouTube. Sharing your knowledge about your products is a great way for customers to gain confidence in you, your business and the products you sell, and therefore more likely to result in sales.

This is also a great way to boost your Google ranking and make your products easier to find.


Instagram your products.


Being image based, Instagram is a great platform to display your products and promote them with relevant hashtags to people who may be searching for products just like yours. It's also a great way to have a conversation with your customers and encourage re posting and sharing posts about how they enjoy and use your products.


User generated content.


Getting your customers to generate content is a really useful way to save you time and also build customer confidence in your products and business. You could hold a competition to share the best or funniest video or photo of your followers using your products, don’t forget to use relevant hashtags to track and promote it.


Use location based marketing.


Geotargeting is great for increasing customer experience and convenience. Implementing Google search results is a great place to start. For example, if a user searches for a florist, the returning results will be based on the IP address of the device used to conduct the search from. Even if you don’t have a brick and mortar this is a great way to get your business seen, and it's free to do.


Use social media to test your marketing ideas.


A great way to see how your product or ideas are received is to review your posts on Instagram and see the levels of engagement they receive. If one post is performing better than another, it may be worth paying to boost the post on all your social channels.


Include an FAQ page.


An FAQ may not sound like your usual marketing tool, but if you think about it, an FAQ is a great platform to help dispel any concerns or queries about your products or services, and help convert a browser into a customer.


I hope these tips are useful for you and your business. You should find that they are quick and easy to implement and they cost you nothing. You don’t have to implement them all, but keep them in your tool box of marketing ideas to help you improve your ecommerce sales and reach.


Have fun creating your ecommerce store and building your customer relationships.


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