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Sellr Has A Fresh New Look

Sellr Has A Fresh New Look

Jake - 1 Sep 2021 08:00:00


Businesses currently using Sellr have been familiar with the features we provide for many years now. We offer simple to understand site building functionality that already enables hundreds of Merchants to build their own websites, market themselves over numerous channels, and generate high amounts of income. All with the tools we’ve provided.


We could’ve stopped there and called it a day - spread our name around and pulled in a wider userbase before plateauing and eventually becoming obsolete. But we said no.


Taking a step back to critically analyze the product as a whole, testing every inch of the site with a wide range of audiences, we pinpointed the best ways to improve the great service already available. Instead of simply adding new features that could have cluttered the interface, we decided to strip it all back and start from a blank canvas. After examining the industry standards for UX (User Experience), spending months working with Graphic Designers, fixing bugs and testing repeatedly, we’ve finally launched a complete redesign and modernization of Sellr’s primary Interface –the admin Control Panel.


Many existing users have emailed in to tell us what they think. In general, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! The layout has already proven to increase ease of use drastically and we couldn’t be prouder. It sure wasn’t a smooth transition and there were plenty of bumps along the way, but our dedicated development and support staff, as well as a handful of close trusted Merchants, have made the this update possible. With all of this out of the way you’d think we’d be slowing down development now right? If so, you’d be wrong - there is still plenty more to come!


After spending years expanding, adapting and improving our features, we’ve not only managed to provide the most comprehensive toolset available on the market, but constantly strived to make those tools as accessible as possible to our users. Bear in mind, we’re still fairly small-scale when compared to other major eCommerce solutions. The way we see it though, that just gives us more room for growth - and grow we will!


Join us on our journey towards eCommerce excellence!

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