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Increase your sales with email marketing

Increase your sales with email marketing

George - 23 Mar 2022 16:00:00



Email marketing is still relevant so get creating.


Definitely do not rule out email marketing as a valuable tool for reaching the people who have bought from you in the past or those who thought about it but didn't quite make it to the checkout. 

Sellr has great email marketing features to help you make more sales and build relationships with your customers. Experiment with your message content and the designs using the blocks available and track which emails have been more successful. Consistency is the key and keeping your messages coming. With your contacts list you already have an audience of people that are interested in your products or services, so don't be shy, reach out to them and delight them with your expertise and wares.


Build a relationship with your email subscribers


Don’t underestimate your email list for helping you to generate your next sales. Email marketing is still one of the most effective channels for making sales and gaining repeat customers. Ideally, you should be sending out 3-5 emails a week and targeting your audience with relevant content. The more you converse with your readers the more they will have an affinity with your business and its products or services.

Don’t forget about mobile users too, an increase of 15% of clicks can be achieved by optimizing your emails for mobile users. Luckily Sellr does this all for you, marketing emails are optimized for viewing on mobiles, tablets and desktops, so you can rest easy knowing that your customers are viewing your emails in their best light.


emails provide you more flexibility than social media alone


Why send emails?


By sending emails you are offering a more intimate service and you are offered the flexibility to say more about your products or services than you are able to with social media channels alone. You are also able to provide more buying options with email marketing.

With Sellr you can easily include buy now links and buttons within your emails allowing your customer to make an immediate purchase without too many clicks.


Sending your first marketing email


To get started with email marketing, sign in to your Sellr account. You can find the email creation tool in the same place that you edit your website. Look for the @ symbol in the tools menu. Using the blocks system you can create the email to look and behave exactly how you like it. Why not promote some blog posts you have written to draw attention to new product releases or events you think that your subscribers might find interesting. Use social media to promote your products and services and use landing pages to encourage new subscribers to your email list.


Try and send out at least 3-5 emails a week for maximum benefits


Improving your email campaigns


To make best use of your email list it will pay you to send out regular, relevant emails to your customers and subscribers to create more effective ecommerce marketing.

Here are a few ideas for using your Sellr email marketing functionality successfully:  

  • Create a follow up email to automatically email a customer after they have made a purchase.

  • Personalize your emails to include the forenames and titles of your subscribers, this creates an easy familiarity and thus encourages trust.

  • Encourage a purchase by sending an automatic abandoned cart email. 

  • Provide a call to action link for an exclusive promo code or free gifts to encourage interaction.

  • Send regular newsletters to alert subscribers of new discounts or offers, product tips, and, where appropriate, company news.

  • Share relevant content to help customers get the most out of their recently purchased items.

  • Run BOGO campaigns in time for holidays to promote self-gifting during the season, too.

  • Thank your customers by sending a personal note expressing your appreciation for their business.

  • Ask for feedback. If someone visits your site but doesn’t make a purchase, follow it up and ask about their experience and how you can improve it.


It's better to have just one call to action to send a clearer message to your reader


Abandoned cart automatic prompt emails


With Sellr you are able to send out an automatic email to prompt a customer about any items left in their basket which they might be disappointed not to have purchased. This functionality encourages previous shoppers to take that final step and purchase the items that they have shown intent to buy.


Include links to your social accounts to help build your customer relationships


Tips for increasing your marketing email subscribers list


Make sure to include your social media links. If a visitor has already signed up to your emails, the chances are that they will be interested in following you on social media too, so make it easy for them by providing clickable links in your emails.

Don’t forget to include a call to action alongside your social media links. It's best to keep it to one call to action to avoid a confusing message. If you have more requests for actions, then send separate emails. The more the merrier!

How about sharing a promotional code or offer in your emails to encourage sharing with friends and through social media networks. This will build your audience which will in turn encourage new customers and repeat purchases.


Test your emails before sending them!


Make sure to test your emails before you send them out, to check that they look and work the way you intended. After all, you wouldn’t want to send out mass emails without double-checking the content. If it didn’t go to plan, not only would you miss an important marketing moment, you could risk looking very unprofessional and lose the confidence of your subscribers! And we wouldn’t want that, would we!


So how did your emails perform?


Sellr enables you to track how many of your subscribers open and read your emails, so that you can easily see which ones worked well and which ones were less popular. This knowledge will enable you to make more informed choices when it comes to crafting your next emails. This is so important because good performance is worth nothing if you can’t replicate it or improve upon it. For sure there is an element of chance as to how each email campaign might work for you. But you stand a far better chance to replicate a success if you can see how your previous emails have performed.


Finally you can use the Sellr scheduling functionality which enables you to create emails and then send them out at a more relevant date. By looking at the data from previous email campaigns you can find the perfect day and time of day to target your subscribers.


Your email marketing campaigns are the key to keeping your brand into the eyes and ears of your customers and prospects, and not only that, it is free to do. So start today, there is only one thing left for you to do, and that is to write your marketing emails now.


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