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Get To Know Your Customers Day

Get To Know Your Customers Day

George - 18 Jul 2022 17:00:00

Get to know your customers day is celebrated quarterly and it was first designed to encourage ecommerce stores to reach out to their customers, and get to know who they are selling to. It is observed every third Thursday in January, April, July and October. It’s such a great way for ecommerce business owners to focus on knowing their customers, tailor their marketing, build trust and generally improve their customer service. This year the holiday is celebrated on Jan 20, Apr 21, Jul 21, Oct 20 2022.


When was 'Get To Know Your Customer Day' first celebrated?


No exact date is recorded, but the holiday was first created when more and more online stores began appearing on the internet. With a brick and mortar, it is much easier for a store owner to get to know their customer, it happens naturally as the shopkeeper has direct contact with the customer, so they don’t really need prompting to find ways to understand their customer base. With the invention of internet shopping, the need for the store owner to get to know the customer is more important than ever, it is easy to forget the importance of knowing your customer when it comes to making more sales and providing a great service. 


How to celebrate 'Get To Know Your Customer Day'.

As an ecommerce store owner, you can use this day to really get to know who you are selling to, and to maintain a closer relationship with the people who come to your store. It’s completely up to you how you go about this and you can be as inventive as you like. You could hold a special event or send out a thank you note to everyone past and present, who has subscribed to receive your marketing.




A giveaway of your company merchandise is a great way to get your brand at the forefront of your customer's minds. It doesn’t have to be expensive, you can give out pens, keyrings, stickers, or even water bottles and reusable shopping bags, both will give your brand great exposure to the outside world, and help towards improving the environment.


Hold a competition or raffle


A great way to increasing footfall and expanding your reach, a competition will encourage sharing and will engage your customer base. A fantastic way to benefit both your business and your customer.


Use your social media voice


There is little point in having a social media presence if you don’t regularly update your feeds with interesting and informative posts. Social media is a great way to increase your brand exposure whilst improving trust, and the customer experience. Speak directly to your customer and encourage feedback from them. Create a survey or a poll and really find out what your customer wants from your business.


Hold an in person event


If you sell food items or beverages, for example, you could invite your customers to a sampling or tasting evening. This would be a fun and fantastic way to engage with your customers, learn more about what they like and dislike and therefore give you valuable feedback on your brand as a whole. You could even invite your local magazine publisher who often showcases the businesses in the local area, to attend your event and promote your business in their next publication - helping you to expand your audience locally and beyond.


Share your story


Everyone loves a good story, and a great way for you to increase your customer connection is to write and share a piece about how your business started, why you do what you do, and you can even share a little about the people who work with you. This will strengthen customer loyalty, increase repeat custom and encourage more referrals. 


Why is Get To Know Your Customers Day important for your ecommerce business?


When you are running an online business it is easy to get bogged down by all the day to day tasks, and you can forget about the main character - your customer! So this holiday is a great way to refocus and put your customer back at the forefront of your ecommerce business. Nurture and take care of your customer, build relationships and trust, it will of course take time, but it will set you above the competition and your business can go on and thrive.


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